Let’s work together to fundamentally change professional learning in service of each and every educator’s and student’s success. Each year, we engage with thousands of partners and practitioners through events, online activities, , and direct work in schools, districts, state agencies, and colleges and universities. At The Danielson Group, we are dedicated to the pursuit of great teaching and always seeking opportunities to connect with partners in this work.
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The Framework for Teaching was designed to enhance professional practice and has been used by practitioners across the country and around the globe. We frequently share updates, new resources and courses, and opportunities aimed at advancing great teaching. Join our mailing list and you’ll be the first to know about ways to engage with us and with others committed to excellence in teaching and learning.
Share Your Story
Teaching is complex work. What is your story? How are you using the Framework and your skills to push instruction to new heights? Share your story on Twitter @danielson_group and on LinkedIn @The Danielson Group tagging us to start a conversation. f your story is connected to a specific Domain or Component please include it. We would love to hear from you!
The potential for transformational instruction exists everywhere and we work to play a critical role in creating and sharing the tools, resources, support, and research needed to further practice. Please consider making a gift to enable this important work. Your donation will ensure financial resources are never a barrier for those seeking to improve teaching and learning.
work with us
Do you work with an organization or entity committed to great teaching? Need support achieving your PLC goals and ensuring student success? Interested in adopting the Framework but not sure where to start? Contact our team of professional learning experts and we will discuss a partnership that will provide the support your educators and students are needing.
join our team
Interested in joining the DG team? Check out our Careers page for job openings.