Our Partners

The Framework for Teaching and our supporting resources have been used in millions of classrooms worldwide. We are proud and honored to work across incredibly diverse settings with partners who are dedicated to building more equitable and just classrooms and schools.

Our partners include schools, districts, state agencies, universities, and others who use the Framework for Teaching (FFT) and have worked with us to strengthen professional practice, elevate great teaching, and empower teachers to be their best.

Working With The DG

DG partnerships range from initial adoption of the FFT to building capacity within districts and schools to completely designing systems of professional learning and support. The network of FFT users continues to grow.

“What really made the Danielson Group exceptional was the personalized attention
they offered and the depth of expertise their representative brought to the table.”

Zoila A. Correa, Ed.D.,Director of Curriculum & Instruction
South Orange Maplewood School District

Harmony Public Schools

Texas, Unite States
For the past seven years, the DG has helped our teachers and administrators have a deeper understanding of the Framework. Professional learning, organization-specific certification and re-certification, as well as calibration sessions provided by the DG enabled our staff to deepen skills such as understanding bias, collect evidence, implement Framework rubrics, and provide feedback for teacher growth.
Partner Website

South Orange-Maplewood District

New Jersey, United States
In partnership with the district, the DG has assisted the district in refining and resetting their understanding of the original intent of the Framework for Teaching and its practice rubrics. The DG has provided facilitated workshops and trainings, webinars, coaching, and strategic planning. This involved working with elementary, middle, and high school teachers and administrators to create and advise on a strategy for the district’s unique needs.
Partner Website

Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine

Manitoba, Canada
At this consortium of schools, the DG facilitates trainings to introduce the Framework and engage in joint work to develop a deeper understanding among the community of educators. With school leaders and teachers, our team conducted classroom observations, provided feedback, and more. Collectively, we determined next steps for best practices including ways to hold growth-focused conversations. The intended outcome is to ensure student success for all students in all schools.
Partner Website

Howard University Middle School

Washington, D.C., United States
With administrators and teachers, the DG has introduced strategies from the Framework for Teaching within the mathematics department. Our team has facilitated trainings to develop a deeper understanding of its common language to assist in administration assessment, classroom observation, and qualitative synthesis of insights, trends, opportunities, and needs. The DG is introducing coaching using our guidelines and trainings for effective professional learning communities (PLCs).
Partner Website

Maryland’s Juvenile Services Education System (JSES)

Maryland, United States
Our partnership with JSES presented a unique challenge in that it tested the flexibility and relevancy of the Framework in a non-traditional classroom setting. Because of the DG’s extensive experience working within systems to support multiple aspects of teacher learning, development, and evaluation, we provided full support over the course of three years to ensure successful implementation. Working with teachers and administrators, we contributed guidance for coaching and evaluation.
Partner Website

Vimenti Charter School

San Juan, Puerto Rico
In collaboration with Vimenti, our team provides strategic planning and learning sessions to deepen understanding of the Framework. This includes classroom materials development, coaching, classroom walkthroughs, and co-observations. Our partnership fortifies teachers so they can meet and surpass the school’s identified areas of growth, report on progress, and make recommendations. With evolving school needs, we have provided remote learning opportunities.
Partner Website

“The Framework for Teaching can serve as the foundation for ongoing professional development that is, and feels, coherent and cohesive to professional staff members who often feel like they are performing in an atmosphere of competing professional priorities.”

Shaileen Riginos, Assistant Superintendent of Accreditation &              Strategic Planning
The Diocese of Charleston

Pace Center for Girls

Florida, United States
Working together, the DG team has helped educators learn and use a common language for examining teacher practice and gain a deeper understanding of the Framework for Teaching. Our cooperative relationship involves working with teachers to apply the structure and benefits of the Framework and the Framework Clusters in a learning environment. With the help of facilitated trainings, teachers are able to perceive the elements of effective teaching in a positive light.
Partner Website

Concept Schools

Illinois, United States
Together with Concept Schools, our team introduced the Framework and continues to facilitate trainings. We work closely with school leaders to introduce effective observation skills and initiate coaching conversations for administrators. Additionally, we aid the response to school year changes using the FFT as a guide in the remote and hybrid environment. We help focus schoolwide instructional improvement efforts through implementation support and strategy planning.
Partner Website

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS)

Maryland, United States
Our 10+ years of partnership has been one of our longest and largest with a district serving over 130,000 students. It has evolved as the needs of the district have changed. Over the years, our team has provided foundational training on the Framework, supported educators countywide use, and more. Currently we are creating a resource library aligned to the Framework Components and a multi-year project to support teachers in literacy instruction for ELLs funded by the U.S. DOE.
Partner Website

Professional Learning With Impact (PLI)

Florida, Oregon, Connecticut, United States
Through a federal Education and Innovation Research grant received by American Institutes for Research, we are engaged in a project to refine and scale the PLI program, which we developed in partnership with Learning Forward. The program is a comprehensive approach to problem-based inquiry for teacher teams. The participating school districts include one of the largest in the country, a rural school district, and a diverse, mid-sized district.
Partner Website

Our Responsive Partner Programs

Professional Training

Connect With Our Team Today:

Brian Johnson

Director of Learning Design & Development

Karyn Wright

Assistant Director of Partnerships

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