For the past seven years, the DG has helped our teachers and administrators have a deeper understanding of the domains, components, and elements of the Framework. Professional learning, organization-specific certification and re-certification, as well as calibration sessions provided by the DG enabled our staff to deepen skills such as understanding bias, collect evidence, implement Framework rubrics, and provide feedback for teacher growth. These timely conversations with campus administrators responsible for conducting teacher evaluations continue leading to increased objectivity, support, and practical value to our classroom observations.

Harmony Public Schools

For the past seven years, the DG has helped our teachers and administrators have a deeper understanding of the domains, components, and elements of the Framework. Professional learning, organization-specific certification and re-certification, as well as calibration sessions provided by the DG enabled our staff to deepen skills such as understanding bias, collect evidence, implement Framework rubrics, and provide feedback for teacher growth. These timely conversations with campus administrators responsible for conducting teacher evaluations continue leading to increased objectivity, support, and practical value to our classroom observations.