I want to get involved with the DG and become a certified Framework Specialist. How do I learn more about the process?
The Danielson Group (DG) certifies Framework Specialists (FSs) through a competitive application process. Certified Framework Specialists can conduct training on behalf of the DG, within their own districts, and independently. […]
Where can I find empirical studies and research on the effectiveness of the Framework for Teaching (FFT) to improve student learning?
Educators in the field have conducted research on various areas of the teaching profession as it relates to the Framework for Teaching (FFT) and its approaches and recommendations. You can […]
Where can I find Danielson Group (DG) resources and publications?
The Danielson Group (DG) makes our core resources freely available beyond our direct partnerships. All DG resources and publications can be found in the Resources section of the website which […]
Does the Danielson Group (DG) customize trainings and workshops?
Yes, the Danielson Group (DG) specializes in customized trainings and workshops to support partner needs and goals. In our pursuit to support our partners in providing equitable learning environments and […]
Are courses and Danielson Group (DG) offerings available virtually or online?
Yes, the Danielson Group (DG) works with our partners to offer courses, workshops, and consultative services in the way that best fits you and your school community; this includes virtual […]
How do I sign up for a course?
Once you decide which course in the DG’s online course catalog is the right fit for you, click the “Get this course” button on the course description web page to […]
Where can I explore Danielson Group (DG) course offerings?
All current course offerings can be found in our course catalog which is accessible via the main menu bar under “What We Do” on the “Online Courses” web page or […]
My school district just partnered with the Danielson Group (DG). How can our school leaders and educators prepare for training and implementing the Framework for Teaching in our school?
The Danielson Group (DG) can customize our support to meet your needs and strongly encourage you and your school leaders to plan with us to determine ways to best support […]
What does a partnership with the Danielson Group look like?
Merging our expertise with yours and the educators and school leaders in your community, we work to support our partners in providing equitable learning environments and experiences. The Framework for […]