Leading Coherent Instruction

Leading Coherent Instruction With The Framework for Teaching: Join Assistant Director, Dr. Lindsay Prendergast, at PASCD’s 73rd Annual Conference this November 24 - Tuesday, November 26, 2024! This year, the conference is focusing on engaging participants in Transforming Learning and Igniting Joy. If you will be attending, be sure to connect with us to discuss […]

Project Pledge Institute

Academica Nevada 6630 Surrey Street Las Vegas, NV 89119 6630 Surrey Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

This December, join the Danielson Group for exclusive, tuition-free* in-person training sessions focused on increasing your capacity to support English learners’ language and literacy development! Based on our federally funded National Professional Development Program, Project PLEDGE, the goal of this FREE, special institute is to provide the guiding content knowledge and build the skills that school leaders, administrators, coaches, and teachers need for […]
